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U Is for Underwear
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Copyright © 2014 Lisa Carter.
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ISBN: 978-1-4808-0545-3 (sc)
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Archway Publishing rev. date: 02/26/2014
Dedicated to Kole
who is curious about everything…
Every time Kole leaves Granny’s house, he asks for a song. On this particular day, Kole asked me to sing about underwear. Well, Duh! I have never heard of an underwear song…so the wheels started turnin’ and words started flowin’ – and a song was born. The Underwear Song stayed in my head and is now a story on a page. Strange how things worked out. – Granny
Underwear, Underwear
Underwear, Underwear
Underwear, Underwear
Who wears Underwear?
Underwear, Underwear
I wear Underwear!
Underwear, Underwear
Underwear, Underwear
Underwear, Underwear
We All wear Underwear!
Teachers and Preachers,
Nurses and Scientists,
Doctors and Lawyers,
Garbage men and Farmers,
Policemen and Firemen,
And Superheroes, too…
Underwear, Underwear
What kind of Underwear?
Polk-a-dots and lace,
Turtles and monkeys,
Cars in a race,
Penguins and snowmen,
Froggies with crowns,
Dinosaurs and doggies,
Flowers and names,
These are some undies
That my friends claim.
I gotta go now,
Right out the door –
Me and Mommy,
Off to the store,
Hoping to buy
Some new Underwear.
Underwear, Underwear
We All wear Underwear…
Lesson Plans to accompany U is for Underwear
By: Annabeth Bates
RF.K.1a: (left to right, top to bottom progression) As the song is playing, working with a partner, the students will track the words on each page.
RF.K.2a: (recognize and produce rhyming words) After reading the story, introducing what rhyming words are, the teacher will read the page that says, “Teachers and Preachers, Nurses and Scientists,” and ask which two words rhyme. The teacher will do the same for the following pages. In order for students to have to opportunity to produce their own rhyming word, the teacher will ask the children to study the illustrations of underwear and state a word that describes one pair. The teacher will write the word down, say it, have the students to repeat it, then allow the students to brainstorm words that rhyme with the descriptive word they generated.
RF.K.2b: (blend, segment, and count syllables) Using the word “underwear” and a lifesize clothesline with three pair of underwear on it (one pair representing ONE syllable of a word), the teacher will use words from the story and allow the children to “hop down” the clothes line landing in front of a pair of underwear for each word given. This will allow the students the multi-sensory tactic of hearing, saying, and hopping to represent syllables.
In order to blend the syllables, the teacher will say the following words from the story and allow the children to say and “illustrate” the word the syllables make.
doc/tor teach/er un/der/wear nurs/es farm/er
fire/men tur/tle mon/key snow/men
The teacher will say…
“Say ‘teacher’ without the /er/” (teach) “Is that a real word? What does it mean?”
“Say ‘doctor’ without the /or/” (doc) “Is that a real word? What does it mean?”
“Say ‘farmer’ without the /er/” (farm) “Is that a real word? What does it mean?”
“Say ‘underwear’ without /under/” (wear) “Is that a real word? What does it mean?”
“Where were the child and the mom going at the end of the story?” (store)
“Say ‘store’. Now change the /st/ to /ch/.” (chore)
“Let’s find the page that says, ‘Dinosaurs and doggies, Flowers and names…’ How did you know this page said those words?” (pictures) RL.K.7 (use illustrations to describe text) Let’s take the word ‘doggies’ and change the /g/ sound to /l/. What does the word become?” (dollies)
RF.K.2d: (isolate and pronounce the initial, medial, and ending phonemes in a word)
Give the student the underwear page and round chips.
Have the students to color each pair of underwear the color you say and/or using the color word flash cards to assess the children’s color word recognition.
Go back and break the color words up into their individual phonemes sliding a clip into a square for each sound.
Allow the child to use bingo daubers to dot each space that is filled.
W.K.2 (write and explanatory text)
RL.K.1f (produce a sentence)
RL.K.2a (capitalize first letter of sentence)
RL.K.2b (punctuation)
RL.K.2c (spell most words phonetically)
After giving the students a superhero template, the students will illustrate their superhero in his/her underwear and write a short narrative explaining the name and powers of their superhero.
Download The Underwear Song and Lesson plans at lisacarterauthor.net
About the Author
Lisa Carter was born and reared in New Orleans. She received her master of secondary education degree at William Carey University in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Previously an English teacher, she is currently a school librarian in Collins, Mississippi, where she lives with her husband and their two olde English bulldogges. Lisa enjoys making quilts, spending time with family, and singing.
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U Is for Underwear
Lisa Carter, U Is for Underwear
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